THE SHOW MUST GO ON! And on the 21st April 2022 – it finally did. Many congratulations to the whole cast of dancers and singers and to the front of house team, the slick tech team and to all the teachers for coming up with amazing choreography. Dancing Legends each and every one of you!
GET ON YOUR FEET – EB and KB Copyright Corrina Meyer
Every two years First Dance Studios puts on a show at the Rhoda McGaw in Woking. It is an extravaganza and a showcase of all the dance and singing styles we have at the adult dance studio. Usually the shows take place in even number years, two years apart. However in 2020 we were days away from getting into the theatre with the dance show. And then…well as we all know a few weeks and months turned into an unprecedented lockdown and social distancing new normal. We were devastated but now in 2022 – the show did indeed GO ON! This was a show to really make our mark back to the stage. There were many feelings and we are all very emotional even now about how our lives have changed. What brings us together is dance and song and what a fabulous return – we really all did COME ALIVE!
“Come Alive” KT – Copyright Corinna Meyer
The Show in 2022 was called “It’s All About the Vision – Take Two” and showcased 20 numbers from show tap to advanced tap routines, company ballet to the wonderful Coldplay music, an intermediate ballet piece to Strange as heard in Bridgerton, Poker Face for commercial/street jazz, a Musical Theatre medley that really signalled a very much welcome return to the stage, a sassy street jazz number, a hot number with Elita in Drop off and Dance, a party on stage with feathers from Zumba and a fiesta fever with “Get on Your Feet.” And yes we got a standing ovation! Check this link out!
First Dance Studios is open to all and we start work on show numbers usually the September the year before the spring of a show. So around September 2023 look out for further details. Teachers work on choosing a song (s) and then choreograph pieces that show case each of their classes. So if you have always wanted to take your tap skills to the next level then join us. Or if you fancy becoming a ballet beauty then come along. And even if the show isn’t your thing rehearsals that are show specific are at different times to classes. And there are other ways to help out on the show from costumes to front of house and more.
There are difference dance, fitness and well being classes through out the week as well of differing levels. From beginner to advanced as well as technical to show classes, you have a lot of choices throughout the week. To see these classes and what happens, please take a look here.
Elita – KT Copyright Corrina Meyer
While we return back to normal dance classes we do actually have an exciting project that will be shown in September 2022. The Vision Project. This is an Arts Council funded community project. Music, dance, film and art media combine to celebrate Creation in a Safe Space. The music that was composed features many singers from First Dance Studios as well as Dan and Diana who danced a small part of the final dance on stage this show weekend. For the full details of the project as well as art projects you can sign up on please visit the website here.
The Vision Project – EB Copyright Corrina Meyer
Everyone at First Dance Studios is so proud of the whole team that make up the Show participants and also a huge thanks goes to the audience including the Mayor of Woking who popped in on Thursday night.
We hope to see you again at the dance studios and until then, keep dancing and singing and being brilliant,