Happy Dance Today

By Lorraine Ansell | 20 January 2021

Feeling in limbo this lockdown? Need a bit of a pick-me-up? Then, quit feeling sad in quarantine. Avoid the quaran-tinis and instead, every Thursday try out the “Karen-Tini.”  Enjoy a full day of dance classes with Karen. 

What is a Karen-Tini?

This is a classic tall order and if you are craving a shot of something that will leave you smiling all day long, then join us every Thursday for a dose of dance. What does Thursday look like? Well this classic choreographer recipe is below, check it out;

  1. 1. Take one DOAD – Drop off and Dance and simply join in at 9.30am and move what ya mother gave ya,
  2. 2. Squeeze in some extra DOAD – at 11.30am where you can learn a new routine, as well as dance, 
  3. 3. Drop in some Tap Gap – won’t mind if we do, thank you very much and then…
  4. 4. Add in some rhythm for some Tap Routines and voila the result is your very own crafted Karen-Tini!
Drop off and Dance is also Log on and Dance

2019 dancing together in DOAD


What are these dance classes?

  1. 1. Drop off & Dance – DOAD for short – is a fun mixed dance class that features jazz movements as well as pop and street vibes to it. With recurring routines including “Fight Song,” “Let’s Get Excited” and get kicking and flicking for “Dance with you Tonight” – these classes are on every Thursday at 9.30am and then 11.30am. 
  2. 2. Tap Gap – is an advanced tap class and working on an incredible routine to our Gary Barlow’s Incredible. Some say that tap is hard but I say, once you get a taste of this tap class, you’ll make it your fave order! Every Thursday night at 6.30pm.  
  3. 3. Tap Routines – Spell it out clearly with this routine. Every Thursday night at 7.30pm we Learn a new routine, Observe some cracking close work, Venture into the unknown and be Entertained with some majestic melodies. This week, the fine vocals of Nat King Cole join us for a dance made for you and me. Some First Dance Studios members have been known to make all 4 of the dances on Thursday!

Check out the video from class here!   Tap Dance with Karen and First Dance Studios


How do I join these classes?

Thursday has some very popular classes for mixed abilities but they also require learning how to shake it up and break out some new moves – oh, hello new challenges – and each lesson is fun filled and friendly. Currently streaming online using Zoom so you can tap away to your heart’s content. These classes choreography content crushes it week in week out so come along and join in. Please get in touch here for details. 


So grab your shoes, check your battery charge, bring along your beats and get shaking.


Opening hours

Monday-Friday 9am-9pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm

Stay in the loop