So my initial thought when I was first asked to write a blog for the First Dance Studio website was what the hell will I write about! My love of fitness and Pilates? Dancing? But then it hit me. My other passion, travel of course ( or maybe the lack of it in 2020!!!)
For as long as I can remember I have loved to travel. As a student I would take the opportunity to go anywhere. If any of my friends ever said who wants to visit such a such I was there. From visiting friends parents in Belfast to getting the boat over to Dublin and even using my first years student load to fund a trip to visit a friends parents in Singapore, I didn’t hesitate.
My love of travel continued after I graduated and I spent 15 months travelling the world. I was then very lucky that several friends choose to marry abroad for various reasons and once again I and my then boyfriend now husband never hesitated to go.
The thing about travel for me is the adventure. The adventure of exploring new places, trying new experiences, trying new food, spending time with people and the freedom of being away from our normal busy lives and being able to relax.
Now obviously, 2020 has been a whole different year for travel. So many of us have had holidays cancelled, family reunions postponed and for some even weddings cancelled. It has not been easy and it won’t be for a long time. One thing it has made me realise even more, is how many wonderful and truly beautiful places there are in the UK.
Now as a family, we have always love Cornwall and winter breaks in the Peak District or the Lakes but we have embraced it even more this year as I think so many of us have. We had a fabulous summer trip to a part of Devon we had never visited before. We visited beautiful villages and beaches, did paddle boarding, ate fantastic seafood and even introduced our children to seaside rock ( I am not sure if I was embarrassed or pleased that they had no idea what it was!!!).
Get Pilates Perfect with Hayley
Now did my children care that we hadn’t got on an airplane and jetted off to some warm, exotic location? No!! As far as they were concerned it was amazing and their exact words as we pulled in to our holiday park was “Mummy you have picked the best place ever!!!!!!” All they want to do is have fun with us and they don’t care where it is.
So for now, my family and I will be sticking to the UK. Abroad travel can wait until the world is a safer place and we have so many places here to explore.
So where is next for us? The Yorkshire Dales in October half term and I can’t wait for that little adventure. Thank you for reading my adventures and I hope to see you in class soon for a different type of adventure.
Are you ready to take yourself on a new fitness adventure with us? Join us in the studio and follow the COVID-19 guidelines. Have a look at the timetable here. Can’t make it to the studio? We also have online pilates sessions for you available. Have a look at some of the class times here. Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions. We are always happy to help.
Discover your fitness adventure with us, First Dance, For all.