Well ain’t that the truth! What an experience it is to bounce around like a loon in your kitchen, singing and dancing in front of a screen of smiling faces in boxes, who you’ve purposely muted! Not quite the ideal way to study the fine art of musical theatre but the group who are muted before me are willing to try it all! From singing into water bottles, to diving out of camera shot and unwittingly taking out lighting fixtures with dancing canes.
Musical Theatre Theatrics from Home
But after more than 20 odd weeks of meeting in our cosy online room and answering more than 100 musical theatre quiz questions, studying Chicago, Billy Elliott, Footloose, Gypsy amongst other challenges, we have returned to the studio for live classes. With a fresh approach to limitations that still exist even in the ‘live’ world, the ‘lovely ladies’ that face me are still the most spirited and fun bunch to work with putting so much trust into all my wacky theatrical ideas and directors approach to performance practice, and they have become and will always be a highlight of my week.
Vicky puts the M into Musical Theatre
Always together!
Who knows what the future will bring but to quote our latest show number – “Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are gonna go through it together!”
Well there you have it, truth in a song. And yes, we are certainly going through this all together. Come along and join our very own Cabaret. Classes are Tuesday evenings. Please see timetable here and remember to book using the Mindbody App.