First Dance Studios Dance Magazine – Christmas Issue

By Lorraine Ansell | 08 December 2021

Hot off the press! It’s the First Dance Studios Dance Magazine – Christmas Issue. Grab yourself a drink, silence that phone and take a self care moment and take a peek.

Dance magazine

Welcome to “Just Dance” our first Magazine issue

We all love to dance, get fit and keep moving and we love to talk about all things dance as well. So we had a brainwave, how about we bring out a quarterly dance magazine? With information and details about dance and all the news from our studios.

The Christmas Dance Issue

We were reminded the other day that finding a place to dance as an adult is really special. It is more than about just dancing. The dance is the main component of course but with that comes so much more. At First Dance Studios we adore dancing but also making friends with our dancers, we love to see and hear your dance successes. Our dance community has grown so much in 20 years and we feel it is such a family. A family of friends, fun and fitness. So as a massive thank you for dancing with us and making us smile, laugh and cheer with every jazz hands and step flick then enjoy our Dance Magazine. Check out the classes, key dates and yes show information!

*******************Read the Dance Magazine here – just click the link below***********************

First Dance Studios 1st Edition 2021 Christmas Issue Magazine

In the next issue

We can talk about dance and fitness for hours and next time the Show will be covered. Everything from the numbers, how-tos, where and much more information. And if you would like us to include something then please shout, we would love to have you all involved.


Happy Holidays and always remember to keep dancing!


Opening hours

Monday-Friday 9am-9pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm

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